
There are just so many things I loved about this Wedding! Of course, it was a beautiful couple and a perfect day--but it's more than that! To start, everyone 'got ready' at Meredyth's home; the girls inside and the guys were in the 'guest house'.  They were able to share their 'first look' in the front yard of their home--the same as her sister was able to do when she married, not too long ago. The bridesmaids were wonderful and the groomsmen were a blast! They continued the special traditions throughout the day--Meredyth's father had the power and pleasure of officially 'marrying' Meredyth and Mike. After beautiful words and an amazing rejoicing from a local, oh so talented choir--her father had the honor of pronouncing them 'husband and wife', what a gift! To the reception! The Portsmouth Woman's Club is a perfect venue and paired up with the skills from Missy and her team at Antonia Christianson Events it was an impeccable event! All of the wooden tables where loved ones would sit, share a meal and celebrate the happy couple, were handmade with love, again, by Meredyth's father! Fresh, earthy florals and magnolia leaves, touches of green and gold throughout, clever sayings, corn-hole, bocce ball, delicious sweet tea and Arnold Palmers, a silhouette artist! There were quilts and pillows strewn across the green grasses of the cocktail hour for guests to sit and enjoy the fading sun. Mason jars everywhere, homemade bunt cakes by the grandmothers adorned the dessert table--every touch was thought out, every detail was special. I loved everything about this day! Lastly; in honor of the Nationals and their first date as a couple at the ball game--they had pop corn, old fashioned coca-cola  bottles and 'pigs-n-a blanket'--it was the perfect surprise snack for guests who had been dancing the night away and it was the perfect end to an amazing day! Thank you so so much for having us, we loved every detail and we love your love!