Katelyn+Dave|Trash the Dress

I just loved the emails from Katelyn discussing this FUN shoot and I couldn't wait for their session! She is just as sweet as I knew she would be and that husband of hers, hilariously awesome--we had the best time! After a week of non-stop raining and a rainy day forecast for the day of our shoot we decided to go with it no matter what! I think the hazy grey day worked in our favor; it feels so light and airy and I'm getting such a romantic vibe from it all  :)  After a few 'non-messy' photos it was time for the trashin'!  We mixed paint and let it fly! To top off the fabulousness--a little glitter to go out with a bang (everything's better with glitter)  ;) These two are gorgeous and oh so wonderful and I'm so glad I had the chance to work with them and fall in love with the people they are and the relationship they have! Happy ONE YEAR anniversary you two love-birds!



 Ummm Kate is STUNNING!!!